Treatment of Pain, Part 3: ACUPUNCTURE

Pain is a global problem. Over 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from chronic pain. Nearly 1/3 of American adults experience chronic pain, and almost one in five surveyed Europeans said they have moderate or severe chronic pain. The 3 most common sources of pain are low back pain (29%), neck pain (16%), and severe headache… Read More »

TREATMENT of PAIN: Part 2: Surgery

A recent report by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, a federal organization, found that in 2007, 27 million adults reported back problems with $30.3 billion spent on treatments to ease the pain. While some of that money was spent on physical therapy, chiropractic visits, injections, and other less invasive procedures (the study did… Read More »


A recent report by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, a federal organization, found that in 2007, 27 million adults reported back problems with $30.3 billion spent on treatments to ease the pain. While some of that money was spent on physical therapy, chiropractic visits, injections, and other less invasive procedures (the study did… Read More »

THE TREATMENT OF PAIN ( a 3-part series)

PART 1: Conventional treatments: Drugs Pain is a global problem. Over 1.5 billion people worldwide have chronic pain in one form or another. Nearly one third of Americans suffer from chronic pain. In Europe one in every five people said they have moderate or severe chronic pain. The 3 most common sources of pain are… Read More »


According to the most up to date evidence, there is clear and strong proof that the useacupuncture is an effective treatment for anxiety. The Acupuncture Evidence Program was published in 2017, providing a comparative review of the clinical and scientific evidence for acupuncture. (You can download a PDF of the findings by doing an online search.)… Read More »

Allergy Relief with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs

Springtime is a wonderful time of year and many people’s favorite season; flowers blooming, warmer weather, sunshine and being outdoors. For many of us though, Spring is the beginning of allergy season. Tree and flower pollens cause millions of Americans sneezing, itchy eyes and throat, sinus congestion, and pure misery. Allergic Rhinitus, or hay fever,… Read More »

Acupuncture treats nerve pain

Neurological pain is one of the most difficult kinds of pain to tolerate. Nerve pain can be a sharp, shooting pain, or burning pain. There may also be overly sensitive skin and numbness in the affected area. Nerve pain can be caused by trauma, surgery, inflammation, spinal disc pathologies, disease, radiation treatments, infection, nerve degeneration,… Read More »

Acupuncture before Opioids

Pain management is big business in the US. Sales of prescription opioids have quadrupled since 1999. And 80% of the world’s opioid supply is consumed in the US. Two million Americans have a substance abuse disorder related to prescription pain relievers. The annual economic costs of chronic pain in the US is nearly $700 billion.… Read More »


This is the most common question I hear from clients, usually after they have had a few treatments and seem amazed at how good they feel with acupuncture! I usually explain how it works from a traditional point of view and a more scientific, biological point of view. From a Traditional Chinese medical theory perspective,… Read More »

Tai Chi improves balance, prevents falls in elderly

As we age, balance becomes more of a challenge and falls become a serious threat to our aging, fragile bodies. Falls are a leading cause of mortality among older adults ages 65 and older. With population models predicting steep increases in the 65 and older population, the need to address these falls and the strain… Read More »